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Comparing Elected Officials Is Goal of Political Interest Group

A right wing organization, Citizens Renewing America, is woking on preparing a scorecard to show where elected officials stand on issues important to the organization.

Aundrea Gomez, Tennessee director for the organization, spoke to the Giles County Republican Party in September.

Gomez, who lives with her family. in Williamson County, formerly taught elementary school students from different cultures who spoke different languages in the county school system.

She, her husband and two children came to Tennessee from California.

Covid, which had a substantial effect on everyday life, is one issue the center examines,

Other issues include: big tech, critical race theory, election integrity, secure borders, ending endless wars, big government, healthy communities and state model legislation.

Founder of Citizens Renewing America is Russ Vought, a former director of the Office of Management and Budget, under former President Donald Trump.

Gomez was critical of efforts by Congress for not acting in time to pass either a continuing resolution to fund the government or for not taking enough time to act on 12 appropriations bills by Oct. 1 to avoid a government shutdown.

“There’s two week to finalize 12 appropriations bills, and yet (legislators) took a five week break,” she said.

Since taking her position, Gomez said she has visited close to 30 of Tennessee’s 95 counties as she works to build a network for the organization,

“It’s 11:59 in our country, time for getting people to fight back,” she said.

On another matter, Chris Morris, Giles County Republican Party Chairman, said candidates were sought to run for School Board District seats two, four and six, which are on the ballot in 2024.

Getting conservative candidates into office is one of his goals, Morris said.

Among other positions on the ballot are a District 7 county commissioner position, the county highway superintendent and county tax assessor's office.

He said he also was pleased with the turnout of conservatives at the special session of the State Legislature in August called by Gov. Bill Lee to discuss enacting measures to deal with gun violence.

Local Republicans are considering picking another site for their monthly meetings, Morris said.

. Aundrea Gomez of Citizens Renewing America is our guest speaker.

In 2020 she found herself taking a stand against mandates in her school district which ignited a passion for studying the constitution and the principles of conservatism. Aundrea holds a Master Degree in education but believes that historical, Biblical , and constitutional knowledge is the key to renewing our country and culture.

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