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County Democrats Discuss Position on Violence

Updated: Jan 19, 2022

Giles County Democrats decided to show their opposition to gun violence in a different way on Nov. 16.

Local democrats had obtained a copy of a proposed statement condemning gun violence, from the state Democratic Party but did not like the wording.

While they agreed with the intent of the statement,

“People in the county generally go for the second Amendment, ( which gun rights groups have used in support of the right to bear arms) “ long time local Democratic Party member Richard Dunnavant said,

At numerous legal hearings and trials, Dunnavant said he was dismayed by descriptions of injuries to gunshot victims.

The statement from the state Democratic Party read in part that “we can reduce gun violence while respecting the rights of responsible gun owners.”

“And we believe we should should treat gun violence as the deadly public health crisis it is.”

Scott Guthrie, another local party member, said the statement, while well intentioned, gave a lot of reasons that opponents to gun control could used to undercut Democrats.

Emphasis, he said, could be put on persons or organizations that promote safety or gun ownership in such a way that opponents could not harm Democrats.

County Commission

County Commissioner Mike Cesarini, a democrat, who reported on a commission meeting, said District 4 representative Katie Journey resigned from the Giles County Board of Education.

Commissioners also voted to retain three per district instead of dropping to two, he said.

December will be a free adoption month at the Giles County Animal Shelter, which Cesarini said was full.

County commissioners approved $1 million for expansion of broadband, have applied for a $5 million grant for broadband for Minor Hill and approved applying for an opioid grant. A lawsuit against the county regarding probation issues was settled for $2 million.

In other business:

• A request was heard from J.B. Smiley, a candidate for governor, to visit Giles County. Party Chairman Tom Gattis said he would work on arranging the visit.

• Some volunteered to work on the marketing/communications committee with Claudia Johnson, who advises the party.

• Democrats continue to look for representatives from districts 2 and 3 to serve on the county executive committee.

• The Tennessee National Democratic Party has published its platform, which should be available soon.

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