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Democratic Party Community Contribution

Updated: Feb 23, 2022

This proposed letter to the editor comes from a report distributed by Sharon Rush to members of the Giles County Democratic Party.

Dear Editor:

At the request of the Tennessee Democratic Party, the Giles County Democratic Party initiated a project in November to provide food baskets for needy families in our community at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

It was very much like the biblical story of the loaves and fishes. There were cash donations, and we spent some money raised by the Giles County Democratic Party. A lot of donations did not go through our bank account. People just threw in from all corners.

Two food baskets went out at Thanksgiving, and three more families were helped at Christmas. Gasoline, shopping, and work went into making this happen.

The project was a little challenging since we had so little time, all the coordination was online, and the project evolved way beyond our mandate. But, in the end, it was a great success for the families and our wish to spread good will in the community.

Sharon Rush, Giles County Democratic Party Secretary

P.O. 1172, Pulaski, TN 38478

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