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The 113th State Legislative Session Adjourns


Updated: Apr 27, 2024

This information comes from the office of 28th District State Sen. Joey Hensley MD, R-Hohenwald, who represents Giles, Lewis and parts of Marshall, Maury and Williamson counties.

The 113th General Assembly has adjourned for 2024, and it was a very successful year. We have taken measures for Tennessee to be a better place to live, work and to raise a family. I will go over the laws passed this session over the next few weeks.

2024 Budget Highlights

This year lawmakers faced new budgeting challenges as state revenue collections slowed. Fortunately, years of consistent conservative budgeting from lawmakers enabled the state to be well-prepared to face declining revenues.

The 2024/2025 budget of $52.6 billion dollars, which is $10 billion dollars less than last year, takes on no new debt and reflects lawmakers’ continuous efforts to cut taxes, maintain fiscal responsibility, protect public safety, prioritize education and invest in rural health.

This budget deposits $100 million to the state’s Rainy Day Fund, which serves as the state’s savings account to withstand economic downturns, bringing the fund to a historic level of $2.15 billion. 

Tennessee continues to be among the most fiscally stable states in the nation with no state income tax and low tax burden overall.

Continuing Focus On Education

There is $261 million for K-12 public education to go into the TISA education funding formula.

Another $125 million will keep the state’s commitment to raise the starting salary for every Tennessee teacher to $50,000 by 2026.

There is $144 million recurring for 20,000 education freedom scholarships.

Another $15 million goes into the Charter Schools Facility Fund.

Prioritizing Public Safety

Money, $17 million, will go for 60 new highway patrol troopers, supervisors and support staff.

Some $6.4 million was allocated for military border deployment of the Tennessee National Guard.

Set aside was $4.4 million for a legislative initiative to implement blended sentencing to address juvenile crime.

Another $1.5 million will fund a legislative initiative to reduce recidivism of repeat misdemeanor offenders

Some $383,500 was for a legislative initiative to collect data on number of illegal immigrants in Tennessee from law enforcement agencies

Approximately $15 million was allocated for grant pools for volunteer firefighters, rescue squads, and EMS.

Some $4.45 million was set aside for Youth Villages Violence Prevention Program in Shelby County.

Approximately 13 new positions for the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation were authorized.

Support For Tennessee Hospitals And Healthcare Facilities

Allocated was $80 million to strengthen rural health.

Set aide was $25 million for behavioral health.

Some $97.7 million was allocated to support Tennessee’s hospitals

Approximately $12.3 million wlll go to support Tennessee nursing homes

Supporting Most Vulnerable Citizens

Some $900,000 went for DIDD residential pilot program to provide permanent housing for persons with disabilities.

Approximately $1.4 million went to increase personal needs allowance for long-term nursing home residents on TennCare from $50 - $70 per month.

The hourly rate for indigent defense was increased.

Approximately $2 million went for four new Safe Baby Courts.

Allocated was $3 million for Crisis Pregnancy Center grants.

Rural Communities

Some $36 million in non-recurring grants went to help distressed counties and rural communities with economic development.

Preserving Outdoor Heritage

Approximately 59 million was allocated for Tennessee State Parks capital projects.

Another $51 million went to the Heritage Preservation Fund to preserve land across this state.

Some $20 million was allocated to expand blueways trail access through new recreational access points to Tennessee waterways.

Some $10 million was set aside to improve water quality at rivers, lakes and streams across the state, making them safe for future generations to enjoy.

Allocated was $10 million to expedite the Bill Dance Signature Lakes initiative.

Approximately $5 million was directed to protect and enhance scenic beauty along our major highways.

Another $3 million was directed for Access 2030 to make Tennessee State Parks accessible to Tennesseans with disabilities.

Authorized was $1.5 million for pay raises for District Attorneys and Public Defenders.

Sen. Hensley may be reached at  425 Rep. John Lewis Way N., Suite 742, Nashville, TN,37243, or by calling 615-741-3100, or toll free 1-800-449-8366 extension 13100 or fax 615-253-0231.

His home address is 855 Summertown Highway, Hohenwald, TN, 38462, or telephone 931-796-2018, or call his cell phone at 931-212-8823, or e-mail:



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